Anthropology Section Call for Abstract Submissions

Source: Teresa Wilson, PhD, Section Program Chair

The Anthropology Section Program Committee is pleased to announce the official call for conference abstract and workshop submissions for the upcoming 2024 AAFS Annual Scientific Conference in Denver, CO. We also extend an invitation to those interested in contributing as abstract reviewers or session moderators to email the Anthropology Program Chair, Teresa Wilson ( Abstract reviewers will need to commit to reviewing abstracts in August and should be section Members or Fellows. We are seeking moderators of all experience levels and membership statuses who will be able to moderate during the scientific sessions (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday) during the conference.

To better serve the Anthropology Section, we are in the process of developing a new abstract scoring rubric. Once approved, this rubric will be distributed to the membership, providing a comprehensive guideline for evaluating abstracts.

Please note that the deadline for submitting symposium proposals is June 15, 2023. The proposal requirements are detailed in the link below (or email the Program Chair for more details). Additionally, we would like to remind you that the deadline for abstract and workshop submissions is August 1, 2023.

Anthro Symposium Solicitation


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