Annual Conference Proceedings
The Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences is an official publication of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS). It is devoted to the publication of the abstracts of technical oral papers and posters presented at the AAFS annual conference.
These include various branches of the forensic sciences including Anthropology, Criminalistics, Digital & Multimedia Sciences, Engineering Sciences, General, Jurisprudence, Pathology/Biology, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Questioned Documents, and Toxicology. Similar submissions dealing with forensic oriented aspects of the social sciences are also included.
Please note that some of the abstracts included in the Proceedings deal with topics, results, and/or conclusions which are controversial. The publication of abstracts does not imply that the AAFS, its sections, or the individual section program chairs/committee has verified or agrees with the studies, results, and/or conclusions of each abstract. During the process of planning a scientific program, it is impossible to "peer-review" each abstract and presentation to the degree that is accomplished during manuscript review. Abstracts and presentations are accepted, in part, so that they can be critiqued and reviewed by other scientists, and so that a forum is available to discuss controversial issues.
The views expressed in this publication are not those of the AAFS. The data and opinions appearing in the published material were prepared by and are the responsibility of the contributor(s), not of AAFS or its respective employees, employers, officers, and agents. The AAFS does not supply copies of meeting papers. It is suggested that you write directly to individual authors to obtain copies of specific papers. Presentation of some abstracts may have been scheduled or canceled after the publication of this document.
English is the official language of the AAFS and its meetings; neither oral nor written translations will be provided.
Copyright 2002-2024 by the AAFS. Unless stated otherwise, noncommercial photocopying of editorial material published in this periodical is permitted by AAFS. Permission to reprint, publish, or otherwise reproduce such material in any form other than photocopying must be obtained from AAFS.
AAFS Reference Library
The history of abstracts since 2003 are also available online in .pdf format in a searchable library. The AAFS Reference Library can be filtered by year and section for easier access. The Reference Series has proven to be a terrific resource, as many people are just starting to see the full potential of the Reference Library.
Available Back Issues
- 2024 AAFS Annual Conference - Denver, Colorado
- 2023 AAFS Annual Conference - Orlando, Florida
- 2022 AAFS Annual Conference - Seattle, Washington / Virtual
- 2021 AAFS Annual Conference - Virtual
- 2020 AAFS Annual Conference - Anaheim, California
- 2019 AAFS Annual Conference - Baltimore, Maryland
- 2018 AAFS Annual Conference - Seattle, Washington
- 2017 AAFS Annual Conference - New Orleans, Louisiana
- 2016 AAFS Annual Conference - Las Vegas, Nevada
- 2015 AAFS Annual Conference - Orlando, Florida
- 2014 AAFS Annual Conference - Seattle, Washington
- 2013 AAFS Annual Conference - Washington, DC
- 2012 AAFS Annual Conference - Atlanta, Georgia
- 2011 AAFS Annual Conference - Chicago, Illinois
- 2010 AAFS Annual Conference - Seattle, Washington
- 2009 AAFS Annual Conference - Denver, Colorado
- 2008 AAFS Annual Conference - Washington, DC
- 2007 AAFS Annual Conference - San Antonio, Texas
- 2006 AAFS Annual Conference - Seattle, Washington
- 2005 AAFS Annual Conference - New Orleans, Louisiana
- 2004 AAFS Annual Conference - Dallas, Texas
- 2003 AAFS Annual Conference - Chicago, Illinois
- 2002 AAFS Annual Conference - Atlanta, Georgia