Professional Affiliate
Professional Affiliate is an affiliate status in the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS). Individuals who hold employment in a position or field that is supporting forensic science positions may be eligible to apply for the status of Professional Affiliate as long as they meet the qualifications and requirements outlined in the AAFS Bylaws and AAFS Policy and Procedure Manual (PPM).
Who is a professional affiliate?
Examples of roles or professions which support forensic science include, but are not limited to:
- Paralegal
- Dental Hygienist
- Autopsy Technician
- Evidence Technician
- Crime Scene Personnel
- QA Specialists
- Sworn Law Enforcement Personnel
What is a Professional Affiliate?
- Professional Affiliate is an affiliate status in the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS). Individuals who hold employment in a position or field that is supporting forensic science positions may be eligible to apply for the status of Professional Affiliate so long as they meet the qualifications and requirements outlined in the AAFS Bylaws and AAFS Policy and Procedure Manual (PPM). Examples of roles or professions which support forensic science include, but are not limited to, Paralegals, Autopsy Technicians, Dental Hygienists, Evidence Technicians, Sworn Law Enforcement, Quality Assurance Personnel, Crime-Scene Technicians, etc.
- From the AAFS Bylaws: Professional Affiliate must be working in a field that provides support to a forensic science discipline currently recognized by the Academy. (The twelve AAFS sections include Anthropology, Criminalistics, Digital & Multimedia Sciences, Engineering & Applied Sciences, Forensic Nursing Science, General, Jurisprudence, Odontology, Pathology/Biology, Psychiatry & Behavioral Science, Questioned Documents, and Toxicology).
- The Professional Affiliate status is also available to those who no longer meet the criteria for Trainee Affiliate and Student Affiliate and do not meet the minimum requirements for Associate Member and/or who do not meet the minimum qualifications for an individual specified section.
Frequently Asked Questions
Professional Affiliate
AAFS Basic Requirements
Both at the time of application and at the time the application is being considered for approval, an applicant for Professional Affiliate must be working in a field that provides support to a forensic science discipline currently recognized by the Academy. The Professional Affiliate must certify eligibility every three years. A Professional Affiliate becomes ineligible to retain their status by meeting the criteria for Associate Member or by changing employment to a non-supporting forensic science position. If the Professional Affiliate meets the criteria to apply for Associate Member status, their affiliate status will lapse at the end of that calendar year. If the Professional Affiliate changes their employment to a non-supporting forensic science position, their affiliate status lapses upon the change in employment.
- Shall be available to those persons of professional competence, integrity and good moral character who are actively engaged in a supportive role in the field of forensic science; or are in pursuit of such a role.
- Shall be available to individuals who have or are currently enrolled in an associate degree, technical trade school, certificate or higher academic degree programs. Training history must reflect a focus in forensic science. Experience of one year or more in a supporting role in forensic science may be substituted for training. Supporting forensic science and legal disciplines include but are not limited to paralegals, autopsy technicians, dental hygienists, evidence technicians, sworn law enforcement, and quality assurance personnel. AAFS involvement, either meeting attendance, presentation (oral or poster), or workshop participation can be included as part of the criteria. This status is limited to those who do not currently satisfy the requirements for Associate Member, Trainee Affiliate, or Student Affiliate status in the Academy.
- Shall not be eligible to vote at business meeting or hold AAFS offices.
Must renew their professional affiliate status every three years by submitting evidence that they are still employed in a forensic science support discipline, or enrolled in an educational program as described.
For more information or assistance, contact Membership Coordinator Cheryl Hunter at chunter@aafs.org