2023–24 Warren-Young Scholarship Recipient Announced

The Forensic Sciences Foundation is pleased to award Mark Peacock with the 2023–24 Warren-Young Scholarship. This award is designed to encourage forensic science education at the middle and high school levels and is intended to provide funds to purchase supplies, equipment, or reference materials to support forensic science education in teaching basic scientific principles.

Applications are judged based on how the funds will further the goals of the Foundation. Priority is given to programs with apparent financial need and those that provide forensic science education in underserved population areas. The scholarship provides funds up to $3,000, a complimentary registration to attend one AAFS Annual Scientific Conference and the Student Academy, including two free nights of hotel accommodations, and a scholarship to attend one Forensic Science Education Conference (FSEC).


Mark Peacock had been teaching life science and biology for over 20 years when he began noticing a keen student interest in forensic science. He started a program at Dupree High School in Dupree, SD, to bridge the gap in student knowledge, and now offers two courses in forensic science. Mr. Peacock's students are mostly Native American children who have relatives in law enforcement or who are incarcerated within the prison system. Recent focus on missing and murdered indigenous women has increased interest in these courses. Their current project is designed to capture student imagination in the development of facial reconstruction using clay modeling on human skull artifacts.

Congratulations to Mr. Peacock on being awarded the Warren-Young Scholarship!


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