General Section Moderators Needed

Source: Erin Koester, MS, Section Program Chair; Brian Clark, MFS, General, Section Program Co-Chair

For those of you in the General Section who need credit towards promotion from Associate Member to Member, we have an opportunity for you to serve as a moderator for the 2024 AAFS Annual Scientific Conference to be held February 19-24, 2024, in Denver, CO.

We have several spots available for those interested in a chance to moderate. We need moderators to serve a two-hour block on one of those days during our scientific session. Moderating will be easy and do not forget you can add it to your resume or CV!

If you are willing to help us fill the moderator spots, please let us know the following information via the Google doc link below.

If you have questions, please contact:

Thanks so much for being willing to help with this important service to the Academy. Looking forward to seeing you in Denver!


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