Pathology/Biology Section Updates

Source: Lavinia Iancu, PhD, Section Secretary

Just a reminder to please submit your abstract for the upcoming 74th AAFS Annual Scientific Conference to be held February 21–26, 2022, in Seattle, WA (meeting theme: A Responsive Academy — Meeting and Surpassing the Challenges of a Modern Forensic Science World). The deadline for abstract submission is September 1, 2021. Authors of abstracts who are selected for presentation by the Program Committee will be notified by November 30, 2021.  Submission guidelines may be found here.

Also, we strongly encourage you to submit proposals for the Pathology/Biology Research Grant. Proposals are due December 1, 2021, and grant awards will be announced at the annual meeting in February 2022. As a note, the Pathology/Biology research fund has recently been augmented by a generous donation. The textbook Forensic Microbiology was published in 2017 as part of the AAFS–Wiley "Forensic Science In Focus" Series. The editors, Drs. David O. CarterJeffery K. TomberlinM. Eric Benbow, and Jessica L. Metcalf opted for the royalties to be directed into the Pathology/Biology Research Grant budget. These royalties are intended to enhance research relevant to our section, particularly research that includes student researchers.

Pathology/Biology Research Grant Proposals should include the following:

  1. A title for the project
  2. A list of the participants in the project, each with position and address
  3. A hypothesis
  4. A discussion of the specific aims of the study (i.e., what will study accomplish?)
  5. A discussion of the background and significance of the study (i.e., why is the study necessary?)
  6. A description of the research design and methods
  7. A timetable for doing the project
  8. A discussion of the facilities available for the project (i.e., are necessary study space and equipment available?)
  9. An itemized budget
  10. A bibliography for the references cited in the proposal
  11. A curriculum vitae for each of the participants in the study

Proposals typically average five pages in length and should be emailed to the AAFS Pathology/Biology Section Research Committee Chair, Dr. David Carter, at:

We look forward to receiving both your abstracts and research proposals!


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