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Correction to Evaluation of porcine decomposition and total body score (TBS) in a central...
Improving forensic examiner decision‐making through deliberate practice
Forensic examiners make important decisions to address legal questions, yet there is now ample evidence that their decisions can be subjective and inconsistent. This commentary suggests that elements of deliberate practice may help in not only having more consistent forensic deci...
How signature complexity affects expert and lay ability to distinguish genuine, disguised...
This study examined how variations in signature complexity affected the ability of forensic document examiners (FDEs) and laypeople to determine whether signatures are authentic or simulated (forged), as well as whether they are disguised. Forty‐five FDEs from nine countries eval...
Commentary on: Gutierrez RE, Prokesch EJ. The false promise of firearms examination...
Authors' response
High‐performance liquid chromatography coupled to Orbitrap mass spectrometry for screening...
The complexity of the drug market and the constant updating of drugs have been challenging issues for drug regulatory authorities. With the emergence of new psychoactive substances (NPS) and the nonmedical use of prescription drugs, forensic and toxicology laboratories have had t...
Forensic alcohol calculations in individuals under the age of 18
Alcohol calculations are carried out in many forensic case types. On occasion, individuals under the age of 18 are involved, and alcohol calculations may be beneficial. To date, there are no studies that have determined the best way to estimate total body water (TBW) or alcohol e...
Self‐induced extreme intoxication akin to automatism: A psycholegal tug of war
Self‐induced extreme intoxication akin to automatism (SIEA) is a complicated and controversial legal concept resistant to jurisdictional consensus. In the United States, SIEA has, at times, been considered under the concept of "settled insanity.". In the United Kingdom,...
How signature complexity affects expert and lay ability to distinguish genuine, disguised...
This study examined how variations in signature complexity affected the ability of forensic document examiners (FDEs) and laypeople to determine whether signatures are authentic or simulated (forged), as well as whether they are disguised. Forty‐five FDEs from nine countries eval...
Register Now to Attend IEOP 2024!
The Forensic Nursing Science Section Is Seeking Moderators
The Innocence Project of Florida Announces the Release of Randy Seal: Wrongful Conviction...
Use of statement validity analysis in minors alleging sexual assault: A systematic review
This systematic review aims to report on the use of Statement Validity Analysis (SVA) with minors involved in criminal justice proceedings. We conducted a literature search of six bibliographic databases up to March 2024. Additional searches were performed using citation tracing ...
Calling for Criminalistics Moderators and Judges for Baltimore AAFS 2025!
Combined interpretation of objective firearm evidence comparison algorithms using Bayesian...
Traditionally, firearm and toolmark examiners manually evaluate the similarity of features on two bullets using comparison microscopy. Advances in microscopy have made it possible to collect 3D topographic data, and several automated comparison algorithms have been introduced for...
Application of the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer instrument as quality control for next...
Next‐generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have expanded the spectrum of forensic DNA analysis by facilitating efficient and precise genotyping of a large number of genetic markers. Yet, challenges persist regarding complex sample processing and assurance of equal molar concen...