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Last Word—2025
Report of forensically relevant insects collected from pig and rabbit remains during two...
Forensic entomology relies on known geographic ranges and seasonal presence of forensically relevant insects. In the Northeastern United States, there is no information on species in the region in early spring. Two forensic entomology workshops took place in April of 2023 and 202...
Generative‐adversarial network for falsification of handwritten signatures
With further development of generative AI, primarily generative‐adversarial networks (GAN), deepfakes are gaining in quality and accessibility. While, forensic methods designed for examination of handwriting are often applied to its digital copies, despite being possibly insensit...
Retraction: M. Ashton, N. Czado, M. Harrel, S. Hughes. “Genotyping strategies for tissues...
Survey on forensic DNA biology training in forensic science service laboratories in the...
Training is an essential component of onboarding new hires in forensic science service provider (FSSP) laboratories. There are several DNA training standards published by the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) Academy Standards Board (ASB) American National Standards In...
Comparative transcriptomic analysis provides novel insights into mescaline biosynthesis by...
Lophophora williamsii, known for mescaline synthesis, has raised legal and ethical considerations. However, L. williamsii specimens that do not contain mescaline have been recently identified, necessitating the development of techniques to differentiate between mescaline‐positive...
Correction to: The impacts of thermocouple insulation failure on the accuracy of...
Why the AAFS 2025 Team Is Thankful
Q&A Interview With Peter Valentin, PhD

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General Section Mentor Program
Annual Dues October Drawing Winner
Serial killer and necrophilia: Report of twenty‐five years of treatment and management in...
The authors report a case of a sexual serial killer responsible for four homicides (one homosexual and three prostitutes) over a 12‐year period. The perpetrator was diagnosed with a severe personality disorder and necrophilia at the time of the crimes and was declared partially m...
Genital lacerations following sexual assault and consensual sexual intercourse: A...
The identification of genital injuries during a medical‐forensic examination may impact the investigation and prosecution of sexual assault. The purpose of this meta‐analysis was to compare prevalence of genital lacerations (or tears) in persons reporting consensual versus non‐co...