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No practice effect on the classification accuracy of the response time concealed...
The Response Time Concealed Information Test can reveal that a person recognizes a relevant item (probe, e.g., a murder weapon) among other, irrelevant items (controls), based on slower responses to the probe compared to the controls. A previous study (Lukács, 2022, JARMAC) analy...
GAMEPLANS: A template for robust digital evidence strategy development
Law enforcement officers should now expect to encounter forms of digital evidence at most of their inquiries, and as a result ensure they are prepared to effectively deal with it. This should involve the production of a digital evidence strategy (DES) which describes those action...
Beyond binary: Analyzing closed‐source data to compare specific roles and behaviors within...
Increasingly, studies compare risk and protective factors for involvement in violent and nonviolent terrorist behaviors. This exploratory study investigates whether this distinction is sufficient, or whether it should be disaggregated further into more granular terrorist roles an...
The use of dietary isotopes as a preliminary step in the death investigation of...
In British Columbia, Canada, unidentified skeletal human remains are often recovered by law enforcement or civilians and there is a question if they are modern and of medicolegal significance, or historical or archaeological. We used relatively fast and inexpensive carbon and nit...
Mercy killing of a 72‐year‐old woman through heroin intoxication
Active euthanasia is legally permissible in only eight jurisdictions worldwide and may only be administered by qualified personnel following specific selection criteria. Mercy killing refers to the deliberate termination of the life of an individual suffering from a terminal chro...
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Acid attacks on pin‐tumbler locks
Recently, an unusual method of home burglary has emerged in several European countries. Nitric acid is used to attack the tumbler lock of the front door. The aim of this study is to gain insights into the technical functioning of this method and to evaluate the advantages and dis...
Letter to the editor—The transition point from zero‐order to first order in blood alcohol...
Soft tissue scavenging patterns of mice on human remains
Rodent scavenging of human remains is repeatedly documented in literature. However, most of this documentation is based on single‐case examples. While this information is valuable, it does not provide an in‐depth understanding of scavenger behavior in a single environment. Mouse ...
Issue Information
Forensic Nurses Week
This Week’s Hot Deal: Sponsor the AAFS Welcome Reception!
National Institute of Justice Symposium & Poster Session
The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Forensic Science Research and Development (R&D) Symposium is an open meeting delivered through NIJ's Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCOE) where attendees can learn about NIJ-funded research across a variety of forensic ...