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Reference | Engineering & Applied Sciences
An Analysis of Test-Foot-Acclimation Issues in Walkway Safety Tribometry
Reference | Jurisprudence
Prosecuting the Terrorist: Justice on Trial
Reference | Psychiatry & Behavioral Science
The Genesis of Serial Killing Behavior in the Case of Joel Rifkin Using the Combined BRACE...
Reference | Criminalistics
Remembering Walter C. McCrone
Reference | Criminalistics
Dr. McCrone's Participation in LEAA Activities, Including Proficiency Testing,...
Reference | Criminalistics
Dr. McCrone's Teaching Methods in Forensic Microscopy, Their Nature, History, and...
Reference | Criminalistics
Dr. Walter C. McCrone's Contributions to the Characterization and Identification of...
Reference | Criminalistics
Dr. McCrone's Impact on Forensic Asbestos and Environmental Microscopy
Reference | Criminalistics
Dr. McCrone's Life of Science - Its Significance and Impact in Criminalistics from an...
Reference | Criminalistics
A Selection of Some of Dr. McCrone's High and Low Profile Cases in Forensic Analysis of...
Reference | Criminalistics
Computerized Fire Simulations for Use in Fatal Fire Investigations
Reference | Criminalistics
Role of the ATF Fire Research Laboratory in Fatal Fire Investigations
Reference | Criminalistics
Field Assessment of the World Trade Center Disaster
Reference | Odontology
Overview of World Trade Center Disaster
Reference | Questioned Documents
The Document Examiner's Role in Deciphering Handwriting of a Severly Impaired Writer
Reference | Criminalistics
Optimized Extraction of Nuclear DNA From Hair Shafts
Reference | Questioned Documents
Daubert Update for Questioned Document Examiners - February 2003
Reference | Questioned Documents
ABFDE Test Validation Project and Pilot Testing
Reference | Questioned Documents