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Board Box—July 14
Anthropology Section News—Nominations Deadline Extended
Forensic integrity verification of video recordings based on MTS files
Digital video is used in criminal trials as evidence with legal responsibility because video content vividly depicts events occurring at a crime scene. However, using sophisticated video editing software, assailants can easily manipulate visible clues for their own benefit. There...
Automated detection of regions of interest in cartridge case images using deep learning
This paper explores a deep‐learning approach to evaluate the position of circular delimiters in cartridge case images. These delimiters define two regions of interest (ROI), corresponding to the breech face and the firing pin impressions, and are placed manually or by an image‐pr...
Forensic integrity verification of video recordings based on MTS files
Digital video is used in criminal trials as evidence with legal responsibility because video content vividly depicts events occurring at a crime scene. However, using sophisticated video editing software, assailants can easily manipulate visible clues for their own benefit. There...
False‐negative probability in the SEM/EDS automated discovery of iGSR particles: A...
The automated search software integrated with a scanning electron microscope (SEM/EDS) has been the standard tool for detecting inorganic gunshot residues (iGSR) for several decades. The detection of these particles depends on various factors such as collection, preservation, con...
Lipophilicity of fentalogs: Comparison of experimental and computationally derived data
Although fentanyl and a small number of derivatives used for medical or veterinary procedures are well characterized, physiochemical properties have not been determined for many of the newer fentanyl analogs. Partition coefficients (Log P) were determined for 19 fentalogs using t...
Application of mist to fingermark detection: Misting with high‐boiling‐point liquid...
In order to detect latent fingerprints that could be damaged by liquid or powder reagents, non‐destructive processes such as gaseous reagents have been developed. In this report, we propose the use of fine mist generated when hot vapor of high‐boiling‐point liquids is rapidly coo...
On the challenge of unambiguous identification of fentanyl analogs: Exploring measurement...
Fentanyl analogs are a class of designer drugs that are particularly challenging to unambiguously identify due to the mass spectral and retention time similarities of unique compounds. In this paper, we use agglomerative hierarchical clustering to explore the measurement diversit...
The role of DNA in criminal indictments in Israel
In their investigations of criminal cases, law enforcement agencies rely heavily on forensic evidence. Numerous studies have examined the scientific and technological advancements of DNA testing, but little evidence exists on how the availability of DNA evidence influences prosec...
Medical examiner response to the drug overdose epidemic in King County Washington: “Real...
As the overdose epidemic overwhelmed medicolegal death investigation offices and toxicology laboratories, the King County Medical Examiner's Office responded with "real‐time" fatal overdose surveillance to expedite death certification and information dissemination ...
Evaluating the sensitivity, stability, and cross‐reactivity of commercial fentanyl...
Illicit fentanyl has flooded the United States' drug market, increasing the risk of overdose and poisonings throughout the general population and accidental exposure among law enforcement officers confiscating the increasing number of seizures. Fentanyl test strips (FTS) are...
Identification of document paper using hybrid feature extraction
Document forgery is a significant issue in Korea, with around ten thousand cases reported every year. Analyzing paper plays a crucial role in examining questionable documents such as marketable securities and contracts, which can aid in solving criminal cases of document forgery....
Research on detection techniques for pattern modifications of playing cards used in...
We investigated pattern‐modified marked cards used in fraudulent gambling cases in Korea. These cards are printed with modifications to some of the repeated marks on the back, revealing the hand on the front and enabling fraudsters to deceive their victims. We proposed a method f...
A comprehensive ATR‐FTIR spectroscopic analysis for the identification and differentiation...
Lip balm may be encountered as physical evidence in cases involving sexual assaults, homicides, and kidnappings. Lip balm can be used as corroborative evidence by providing a potential link between the victim, accused, and the crime scene. For lip balms to be used as evidence, it...
Medical examiner response to the drug overdose epidemic in King County Washington: “Real...
As the overdose epidemic overwhelmed medicolegal death investigation offices and toxicology laboratories, the King County Medical Examiner's Office responded with "real‐time" fatal overdose surveillance to expedite death certification and information dissemination ...