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Characteristics of skin injuries caused by power drill
Skin injuries caused by power drills have been rarely reported. A case is described of a 51‐year‐old woman who was found dead on a motorway after committing suicide by jumping from a bridge. The body showed a total of nine circular/oval penetrating injuries of the chest and abdom...
The Forensic Sciences Foundation Announces the 2022–23 Field and Lucas Grant Recipients

Reaching new heights: Testing the performance of metric approaches to estimate stature...
Bone heat‐induced changes complicate osteometric stature estimation of human remains from forensic settings. The validity of current methods has not been tested to a great extent. Our aim was to determine how precise are stature estimations obtained from three different approache...
Evaluation of the (hu)MANid program for sex and ancestry estimation in a diverse,...
Human remains from forensic and bioarcheological contexts are often fragmentary, requiring methods for estimating a forensic profile that are based upon limited skeletal features. In 2017, Berg and Keryhercz created an online application, (hu)MANid, that provides sex and ancestry...
Effects of a low‐velocity fluvial environment on saw mark evidence in bone
Saws are common tools used in postmortem dismemberment to alter human remains. Dismemberment may coincide with other concealment methods such as disposal in aquatic environments, so forensic anthropologists must recognize how taphonomy affects saw mark preservation. This study fo...
Dental hygiene students' matching accuracy when comparing antemortem dental radiographs...
Matching dental antemortem (AM) and postmortem (PM) data for human identification is especially challenging when the workforce is limited. Dental hygienists have served mass fatality incidents (MFIs) due to dental‐related expertise. However, forensics within dental hygiene educat...
2022–23 FSF Jan S. Bashinski Criminalistics Graduate Thesis Assistance Grant Recipient

Metabolic profile determination of 2F‐viminol – A novel synthetic opioid identified in...
Novel synthetic opioid (NSO) continue to emerge in the United States in the midst of an opioid crisis. The NSO 2F‐viminol was identified in casework at the Center for Forensic Science Research and Education through its NPS Discovery program in 2019. Little information and publish...
Correlation of soft tissue and skeletal injuries in cases of violent death: A...
In forensic pathology, deaths due to mechanical injuries (blunt, sharp, and gunshot) require an autopsy in order to determine the cause and manner of death through a detailed examination of viscera, soft tissues, and the skeletal system. Sometimes, such as in cases of severe putr...
Infrared spectra of North American automobile original finishes. XIV: Identification of...
The naphthol reds are a family of intermediate performance monoazo organic pigments and three of its members, C.I. Pigment Red 148, C.I. Pigment Red 170 (Naphthol Red), and C.I. Pigment Red 188, have been cited as having original automotive paint applications. This study sought t...
Statistical comparisons of 0.08 g/100 ml fortified blood alcohol samples from 6‐ml and 10...
This experiment supplements the study, "Statistical comparisons of blood alcohol samples from 6‐ml and 10‐ml grey‐top tubes". The initial study analyzed fortified samples for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) using two sizes of gray‐top tubes: a 10‐ml tube containing a ...
An unusual blunt force trauma pattern and mechanism to the cranial vault: Investigation of...
This case report presents an unusual fracture pattern in the cranium of a four‐month‐old infant indicative of child abuse. Upon postmortem examination, the infant presented with numerous bilateral linear cranial fractures running perpendicular to the sagittal suture with depresse...
Psilocin – The “real deal” or an extraction byproduct
Most illicit drug casework samples at the Israel Police National Drug Laboratory are found to be mixtures of substances. Some are a mixture of an illicit drug with fillers, and others may contain more than one illicit drug. This study was triggered by a routine gas chromatography...
30 Years of Forensic Nurse Influence and Impact on Justice

#GivingTuesday—November 29

Anthropology Section Winter Deadlines

Student Academy

Interdisciplinary Symposium
The Symposium will provide a historic context for the formation of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, describe the impetus for its formation, and examine the effects of its members on forensic science.

FEPAC Session
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to understand the process of accreditation through the AAFS FEPAC mechanism and be able to participate in the process as a reviewer of academic programs. Participants from academic programs will also learn about the ...

Business Meetings
Attend Your Section's Annual Business Meeting for a Chance to Win a Complimentary Meeting Registration! Do not miss the opportunity to win a complimentary meeting registration for the 2024 AAFS Annual Scientific Conference in Denver, CO! Each section will award one registrat...