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Standard Method for the Examination and Documentation of Ammunition and Ammunition...
Standard for the Forensic Examination and Documentation of Non-firearm Tools and Non...
Best Practice Recommendation for Measuring Trigger Pull of a Firearm and Estimating Its...
Minimum Education Requirements for Firearm and Toolmark Examiner Trainees
Beretta barrel fired bullet validation study
Guidelines for Barrel and Overall Length Measurements of Firearms
Noninvasive, visual examination for the presence of gunshot residue on human skin
When a firearm is discharged, the highest concentration of gunshot residue (GSR) is located on a shooter's hands, forearms, and clothing. Currently, collecting GSR from an individual's hands is accomplished with a carbon disk that is submitted for confirmatory analysis ...
Firearms and Toolmarks 3D Measurement Systems and Measurement Quality Control
Standard for Topography Comparison Software for Toolmark Analysis
Implementation of 3D Technologies in Forensic Firearm and Toolmark Comparison Laboratories
Examining the impact of a crime gun intelligence center
With gun crime on the rise, efforts to curb this form of violence have captured the attention of government agencies and police departments alike. One form of such efforts is the proliferation of Crime Gun Intelligence Centers (CGICs) in police departments across the country. How...
Safe Handling of Firearms and Ammunition
Standard Test Method for the Forensic Examination and Testing of Firearms
Development of a Novel Finger‐Trigger Interface for Trigger Pull Measurement
Trigger pull is the force that needs to be exerted on the trigger to discharge a firearm. The measurement of trigger pull can assist in the evaluation of the safety, function, and manufacturing characteristics associated with a firearm during the forensic firearm examination proc...