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ASB Technical Report 151 - Recirculation
Medicolegal Death Investigation: Terms and Definitions
ASB Standard 173 - Recirculation
Standard for Education, Training, Continuing Education, and Certification of Forensic...
ASB Standard 195 - Recirculation
Standard for Scene Response: Initial Response by Scene Investigators
ASB Standard 102 - Recirculation | Firearms and Toolmarks
Standard for Verification of Source Conclusions in Toolmark Examinations
ASB Technical Report 194
Terminology for a Suspected Pattern of Dental Origin
Section News | Jurisprudence
Apply for AAFS Membership in the Jurisprudence Section by the October 1 Deadline!
Section News | Jurisprudence
Study: Laypeople (Jurors) May Misjudge the Weight of Manner of Death Testimony
Epic Deals for Members—September 6
Section News | Odontology
Odontologist Appointed New Associate Editor of Journal of Forensic Sciences
Remembering the Trauma of 9/11
Annual Conference News
AAFS Affiliate Space Reservations OPEN
Journal of Forensic Sciences
Correction to “A study of DNA transfers onto plastic packets placed in personal bags”
Journal of Forensic Sciences
Two simplified tooth sample preparation methods for conventional laboratory and RapidHIT™...
Disaster victim identification (DVI) refers to the forensic identification of unknown individuals following a mass disaster event. Human dental structures can contain viable DNA sources when other soft tissues are compromised. However, labor‐intensive sample preparation performed...
Journal of Forensic Sciences
Visual detection and enhancement of alterations in questioned documents by Mueller...
In this article, we have explored the use of Mueller polarimetry for the detection and enhancement of alterations in questioned documents. Erasures, obliterations (with liquid paper and by pasting an additional layer of paper), and insertions (made with several inks) were studied...
ASB Standard 136 - Recirculation