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FEPAC Welcomes New Commissioners
FEPAC Notice of Accreditation Actions
FEPAC Welcomes New Commissioners
Opioid Crisis Response
The following statement has been submitted to the President's Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis. The Board appreciates the work of the Synthetic Opioid Ad Hoc Committee in drafting the response and recommendations.
Response to NIST Request for Input on OSAC
The following statement has been submitted in response to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) request for input on the future structure of the Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC).
Opioid Safety Plans
The AAFS Board of Directors voted to adopt the position statement on Opioid Safety Plans proposed by the Synthetic Opioid Ad Hoc Committee. The Board of Directors appreciates the work of the Committee members in drafting the position statement and report.
DAG Rosenstein’s Remarks Concerning Forensic Science
The American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) looks forward to working with the Justice Department and others to advance forensic science.
Access to Naloxone
The AAFS Board of Directors voted to adopt the position statement on access to naloxone at the worksite proposed by the Synthetic Opioid Ad Hoc Committee.
DOJ Request for Input on Forensic Science
The following statement has been submitted in response to the Department of Justice request for input on the role of forensic science in the justice system.