This page will be updated as we receive questions. If you have any questions, please send them to the Academy Standards Board.
Frequently Asked Questions
Almost all of the meetings will be conducted using web-based meeting tools. Once a year, at the AAFS meeting, there will be a meeting of the Consensus Body, but physical attendance is not required. The meeting will also be web-meeting accessible.
Each meeting is open. That means that all members can access the meeting through the on-line capabilities. Members of the public can also participate – up to the communications limit of the web tool. Liaisons from interested organizations such as OSAC or professional associations are encouraged to have non-voting liaisons participate in the meetings.
One round within the consensus body and one to the public at large.The standard / technical report / best practice recommendation is only presented for an official vote upon approval within the Consensus Body. Once that is done, the members of the Consensus Body may individually vote on the document. Any No vote requires a comment as to why the member is voting No. At the same time, the document is presented for public review. After the voting period is completed, the Consensus Body notes the result. If any comments were received, they must be addressed by the Consensus Body. The Consensus Body may revise the document to address substantive comments and put the document out for re-balloting. However, the Consensus Body may determine that the comments do not warrant another balloting round – with the document being approved as it was submitted.
One round within the consensus body and one to the public at large.The standard / technical report / best practice recommendation is only presented for an official vote upon approval within the Consensus Body. Once that is done, the members of the Consensus Body may individually vote on the document. Any No vote requires a comment as to why the member is voting No. At the same time, the document is presented for public review. After the voting period is completed, the Consensus Body notes the result. If any comments were received, they must be addressed by the Consensus Body. The Consensus Body may revise the document to address substantive comments and put the document out for re-balloting. However, the Consensus Body may determine that the comments do not warrant another balloting round – with the document being approved as it was submitted.
The ASB does not restrict the freedom of anyone to comment on its standards – before or after they are published. They are made freely available.
If interpretation questions arise and are sent to the ASB, the Consensus Body prepares the responses, which are sent by the Board to the inquiring party.